Mission Statement

Our mission is:

1. To conduct with integrity the Council’s operations by managing effectively the resources available to us, identifying the threats and opportunities of our locality and planning diligently for the future.

2. To contribute towards the continued development of our locality and to the well being of its community with the main aim of ameliorating the standard of living of our residents.

3. To deploy effectively our resources to ensure a sustained development of our locality.

4. To strengthen our position as one of Malta’s foremost Local Council’s, satisfying our residents’ needs with efficiency and quality of service.

5. To invest in the sustained development of our residents rewarding altruism and initiative within a caring environment.


The Values of the Hal Gharghur Local Council are:

1. Effective and employment of the resources for the benefit of our locality and residents.

2. Respect for the viewpoints and beliefs of all members of our community.

3. Encouragement of a sustainable amelioration of the locality’s infrastructure.

4. Just and open administration of Council business.

5. Commitment to provide the highest level of service to our residents.